Competency Goal Safety

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Competency Goal 1 To establish and maintain a safe, healthy learning environment Functional Area: Safe As a teacher working with children ages three to five it’s my responsibility to maintain the children safe while they are in my care. To make all areas in the classroom safe, they need to be open, able to see the children when they’re playing in all areas in the classroom. Create a clear passage ways in classroom; so children don’t bump into each other or into the furniture. Have the children check the floor in their areas regularly so they don’t trip on them. Make sure the areas have enough room for the children to be engage in the areas activities. Children not aware of the dangers in classroom and outdoor area, by going over the safety precautions in a manner it won’t be over bearing or intimating to children. Having them be involved in making the rules of safety in classroom/outdoor area of what are do and don’t. Make sure first aid kit is available and ready just in case if a student have an accident in classroom. It’s a big plus for me to learn more about what I can do for the safety of my children. As a teacher I will model how the areas are used in classroom, how we play with toys, what are the rules in each area are. First activity in functional area of safe is bus safety. The materials I will be using are chairs, paper wheel driver. The numbers of student partaking in this activity are 9. My objective is for my children to be aware of bus safety. Setting up the chairs by the block area, I call student to sit in each chair, I pretended to be the bus driver, over rules of the bus, tell children to enjoy the ride. My second Activity in functional area of safe is fire safety. The materials I will using will be a fireman jacket, hat, and oxygen tank from dramatic play. The number of students partaking in this activity will be 9. My objective is for

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