Conserving Natural Happiness

667 Words3 Pages
Conserving Natural Happiness In Paul Bloom's essay titled, "Natural Happiness", Bloom believes that, "We thrive in the presence of nature and suffer in its absence" and that "Real natural habitats provide significant sources of pleasure for modern humans" which should make the preservation of the natural world important to us (679). According to Bloom, nature's positive impacts should be enough reason for conservation and that technology shouldn't outweigh natures existence. I believe that nature is important to our happiness, but unfortunately we take it for granted and progressively live our lives engaged in technology pushing us to forget the powerful healings of "natural happiness". Paul Bloom's purpose for writing his essay is to argue that the pleasure nature provides to humans is a significant reason for its preservation. His argument is apparent in the first paragraph when he says, "Few people need convincing that the destruction of rain forests, mass extinction of species, and the melting of ice sheets in Greenland would all be very bad things" (677). Here, Bloom is using logical appeal followed by his question, "Do we really need to list the reasons". Bloom seeks to appeal to reason and emotion by listing the "bad things" that are happening in nature and that we should work to fix these because. Following this he asks, "Do we really need to list the reasons?" pointing out the known public awareness of nature and that we shouldn't be told to preserve the wilderness (677). Following reasons to conserve nature, Bloom also uses research to prove logically how important nature is to our health. According to Bloom, research says that patients heal quicker and stress is reduced in the presence of nature. He wants the reader know that because it is impossible to recreate nature, we should not forget and destroy the relaxing, healing, and refreshing

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