Consumerism Bruce Dawe

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“The consumer is powerless against the modern advertiser” How does the poetry of Bruce Dawe reinforce this statement? Consumers are extremely vulnerable to the modern advertiser. We are constantly bombarded with images and products that we are led to believe we “need”, if we are to fit in with society. The powerlessness of the consumer can be seen through Bruce Dawe’s poems ‘Americanized’ and ‘Televistas’. Dawe allows us to see how man is forced to succumb into the materialistic world. The references and techniques used in the satirical and parodic poems enables to explore how the consumer market is continuously manipulated by the dominance of modern advertising. The media continuously manipulates the consumer and by doing so dehumanises humanly values. This is evident in Bruce Dawe’s poem ‘Televistas’. Dawe uses television jargon to further elaborate how consumerism has dehumanised humanly values. “Right between the Carol Burnett and the David Nixon show they fell in love.” Through the use of television and consumer jargon along with the satirical nature of the poem, we understand how consumers have been impacted through the media. Through the poem Dawe allows us to see how the predominance of the media has impacted the values in relationships. “But the course of true etcetera, Etcetera.” Through Dawe’s use of the word “Etcetera” he shows us how love is no longer relevant in between relationships. Therefore, the media dehumanises the quality of humanly values and relationships. The values of relationships have been depraved as a conclusion of advertising. This is also apparent in the poem ‘Televistas’. The poem enables us to explore how relationships have been manipulated by television. “Smiling at The Many Faces of Dick Emery--and Fate” This is evidence of the superiority of modern advertising against the consumer market. Dawe uses the word “Fate” as
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