Contrapasso Essay

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Name Course Professor Date The study and representation of contropasso in Dante’s the Inferno Introduction Dante’s Inferno is renowned for adhering to the regulations of contrapasso, otherwise known as Godly retribution. Dante uses the concept of Contrapasso in regular intervals throughout the Inferno. It illustrates the affiliation between sin and the consequential rationalization of Hell. When translated literally, it means counter-strike. Fundamentally, the contrapasso resolves punishment uniquely to each sinner. Accordingly, God designs the punishment and tailors it in a manner that would be appropriate for each sin committed. This is contrary to the universal misapprehension; that all sinners burn similarly, regardless of the sin committed. There is an ever-growing debate regarding how contrapasso operates, its function, as well as the reasons why Dante uses it in his works. While many assert that there is a principle or blueprint of contrapasso, some also argue that any attempts to place a solid understanding or classification of the model severely restrict its proposition and application. Instead, readers and researchers should take it as retribution, which implies that the concept would be up for elucidation based on the individual understanding of each person. While it is agreed, that contrapasso is a rationalization and retribution for people’s sinful behavior on earth, there is still a large deliberation as to precisely what sin is under punishment. It remains unclear as to whether Dante rebukes the crimes committed or the ensuing damage of the crime. According to Inferno, the anguish imposed is Godly justice that readdresses the quintessence of an offense back against the executor, manifesting itself with small degrees of differences and style in different cases (Barolini 39). In essence, this implies that sin is

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