Crosby Corporation Essay

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Assignment #2: CROSBY MANUFACTURING CORPORATION Executive Summary Crosby Manufacturing Corporation is a $ 250-Million-a-year electronics component manufacturing firm. Wilfred “Willy” Livingston became president in 2005, and in his long-range plan to obtain large government contracts, laid into two acts, which the first step consisted of the restructuration of the 700 employees organization into a modified matrix structure. And on October 2007, the second phase consisted of changing the computer system into a more advance model in order to update the management cost and control system( MCCS) to ensure the growth of Crosby Manufacturing Corporation. He violated the policy and appointed Tim Emary as a project manager, an employee from the group planning department, only because in his vision Tim Emary can lay out a schedule and have the job done. 1. Compose a synopsis of the case, using a maximum of 120 words. The case in study talks about Crosby Manufacturing Corporation and its management departments’ meeting. Wilfred “Willy” Livingston is the president of the electronics components manufacturing firm since 2005. To obtain large governments contracts, he changes the 700 employees` organization into a modified matrix structure, and on October 2007, plans to update the computer system. The meeting is about, first, informing his departments managers about the changes of the computer systems into a more advanced model to better update the management cost and control system (MCCS) in order to grow, but also to answer positively to large government contracts; and secondly, to announce the controversial appointment of Tim Emary as the project leader. 2. Crosby Manufacturing Corporation`s president, Livingston, appointed Tim Emary to be project manager over the management cost and control system project. While Emary is a capable planner, he is not from either

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