Curley's Wifes Notes

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The symbolism of the word sunshine is hope, freedom, happiness and dreams. This foreshadows that she may cause trouble or come in the way and could ruin it all for Lennie and George. Steinbeck also describes her as a ‘girl’, which tells us that she is very playful, childish and vulnerable. Steinbeck enables the reader to see Curley’s Wife through Candy’s eyes on their first encounter with her. A reason for Steinbeck portraying her as an associate of the colour red may be to foreshadowing the blood that was to be shed. We never know her name - she is merely Curley's 'property' with no individual identity. She is lonely - there are no other women to talk to and Curley is not really interested in her throughout the book, Steinbeck victimizes Curley's wife like an object and not a person. Curley's wife is discriminated against based on her gender; she is a victim of sexism. Curley’s wife is the loneliest character in the book. Crooks may be isolated from the rest because he’s black or Candy because of his old age and injury, and Lennie because of his stupidity. But she’s a complete outcast. Never wanted, never loved. Curley treats her as if she were an object, and Steinbeck puts more ‘loneliness’ to her by not giving her a name because she’s merely a property belonging to Curley In her moment of greatest vulnerability, Curley’s wife seeks out even greater weaknesses in others, preying upon Lennie’s mental handicap, Candy’s debilitating age, and the colour of Crooks’s skin in order to steel herself against harm. Curley’s wife has a racist attitude towards Crooks, George and Lennie. “You bindle bums think you’re so damn good', talking to a bunch of bindle stiffs, a ****** an' a dum-dum and a lousy ol' sheep”, I believe this shows even though she is younger, she has no respect and thinks herself a lot better than them because she is married to Curley. She made a

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