Dad's In Heaven With Nixon Analysis

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Dad’s in Heaven with Nixon is a documentary directed by Tom Murray, who chronicles the struggles of his own family. His complex story of his brother with autism captures his mother’s strength and everlasting belief in her son as well as his father’s inability to accept his son’s disability. As the story develops, through old family films and interviews, the revelation of bipolar disorder within the family takes the stage. Surrounded by complicated issues, his brother with autism demonstrates victory over his disability by living on his own, working 2 jobs and establishing a career in art. But more than anything, his ability to find joy in the simple things in life was just plain beautiful. I found this documentary mesmerizing, heart breaking and simply inspiring. I loved this film,I sat down with my husband and daughter today and watched this. My mother has bi-polor and yes it is as hard on the people she loves and are around her, but because she s my mother ,I will always be there for her. She tales out anger on me because she knows I will take it and not blame her but blame the disese. I respect you and you mother for being there for your brother and glad he is doing so good. Anonymous (visit their site) We watched this movie last night and we LOVED it. It was so touching and a true testament to the power of a…show more content…
It is also the story of mental illness in one Irish-American family, the devastating damage it caused, from one generation to the next, and ultimately the triumph of the human spirit. When Janice Murray, first saw her newborn son Christopher in a New York City hospital in 1960, she knew immediately that something was wrong. "The whites of his eyes were completely scarlet," she said. "That's a sign of oxygen

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