Delinquency Deterrence Response

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Delinquency Deterrence Response The threat of punishment does deter juvenile delinquency by general deterrence which means that crime control policies that depend on the fear of criminal penalties, such as long prison sentences for violent crimes. The aim is to convince law violators that the consequence outweighs the benefits of the crime or criminal activity (Wadsworth, 2005) If more severe, certain, and swift the punishment is the guiding principle of deterrence theory then the effects of the deterrence is greater. Since the increase in teenage violence, gang activity, and drug abuse was a result of not punishing adolescents severely as adults were so that juvenile justice authorities would not interfere with the parens patriae philosophy, which means A doctrine that grants the inherent power and authority of the state to protect persons who are legally unable to act on their own behalf (West,2005), prompted a reevaluation of deterrence strategies in the 1990’s shifting an emphasis on treatment to an emphasis on public safety in some juvenile courts (Wadsworth, 2005). This would allow officers to enter schools undercover to identify and arrest juvenile drug dealers and to allow judges to be more open with charging juveniles as adults leading to doubling the total of juveniles under the age of eighteen from thirty-four hundred in 1985 to seventy-four hundred in 1997. This and the legislators passing more restrictive juvenile codes seems to have an overall beneficial effect on the delinquency rate and that is that it has declined. Specific deterrence is used to send convicted offenders to secure incarceration facilities so that punishment is severe enough to convince the offenders not to repeat their criminal activity (Wadsworth, 2005). Though there are research studies that show that arrest and conviction may lower the frequency of reoffending other

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