Describe Common Recruitment and Selection Methods

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There are many methods of recruiting and selecting for staff. The normal advertise, examine resumes, conduct interviews procedures can be applied in a range of ways. Interviews might include skills tests, scenarios or simulations. Interviews might be conducted by individuals or by formal or informal panels. The process could include a series of interviews at different times, with different people. alternately a prospective employee might be asked to make a formal presentation to a group of the organisation's managers and employees. Some organisations will ask a prospective recruit to come in and work for a few days so they can assess their skills. different tpes of positions require different kinds of selection techniques. Assessment centres are utilised by some organisations. They provide an alternative method of recruiting to the usual interview structure. An assessment centre aims to replicate some of the key task in the job so an employee can see how people deal with different scenarios. Assessment centres operate on the principle of a cross reference system, There are multiple assessors evaluating against multiple competencies in multiple exercises. The key is defining the right competencies and behaviors beforehand so that the exercises will facilitate the relevant behavior. Bench marking existing employees who are regarded as above average performers is one way of doing this, but for a start up operation it is a bit more difficult and requires more research and planning to identify the right skills. It then becomes a matter of designing exercises that will measure a number of different candidates objectively against the same criteria. Employability or genetic skills such as communication, teamwork, initiative, customer focus, influencing and negotiating, technology skills and leadership would be assessed along with specific job role skills. All attendees

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