Describe the Policies and Procedures of the Setting Relevant to Promoting Children and Young Peoples Positive Behaviour

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In the setting in which I am situated there are policies which are relevant to promoting children and young peoples positive behaviour. Firstly the Behaviour Policy. This policy explains about behaviour and also includes the following; the schools code of conduct, rewards and sanctions and how to deal with conflict and inappropriate behaviour. The school aim to promote emotional growth, by encouraging children to take responsibility for their own actions and through developing self discipline, and respect for themselves, others and the environment. This in turn should create a caring, happy atmosphere in the school which can enable effective teaching and learning. The school has its own code of conduct which all members of the school are to support. The school code of conduct is as follows; This is our school we will: • look after everything in and around it • follow instructions first time • always do our best work and let others do the same • treat everyone as we would like them to treat us • move sensibly round school and always walk inside. The school looks out for positive behaviour done by pupils and emphasis is placed on the acknowledgement of this. There is to be a clear understanding by staff, pupils are parents of what is acceptable and unacceptable behaviour. Each year group within the school has an agreed approach to discipline which includes procedures for recording positive behaviour and strategies for when rules get broken. Alongside this each class has its own positive comments boards and displays. Rewards are given to children for their good behaviour. There is a list of ways in which positive acknowledgement can be done. Some examples of this are; • Praise being given in assembly • Comments being written in books • Verbal comments being given along with stickers • Golden time being given to those who have earned it If

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