Determine How to Best Leverage Leadership Roles

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Determine How to Best Leverage Leadership Roles Leadership is a dynamic relationship which is based on mutual influence between leaders and followers which results in a higher level of motivation and technical development as it promotes changes (McLaurin & Al Amari, 2008). Leadership roles are best determined by the individual and his way of communicating to his audience. A good leader is able to think strategically, innovatively and motivate and inspire the people to whom he is speaking. One of the most effective tools that a good leader must possess is the ability to communicate. A leader can capture the attention of the audience by communicating verbally or nonverbally, using body language and gestures as long as the audience understands the exact message that the leader is trying to send. An effective leader should have high standards of ethical behavior in fulfilling the commitment to provide excellent service to the organization as well as the community they serve. To ensure that the company’s standards are maintained, leaders should create a corporate compliance plan, a conflict of interest policy and a code of conduct policy. These are documents that identify professional and ethical standards of conduct and compliance. These documents are a tool for managing dissent. Leaders can use these documents to refer to when addressing unethical or immoral behavior displayed by their followers. Leaders are expected to create an atmosphere where all members are free to express concerns and propose ideas. Leaders can help create an environment that promotes the highest standards of ethics and compliance. Summary The material presented here will help prepare Epicenter’s consultants to provide real-world assistance to our current and future customer base. As the core of our in-house seminar, this will create a standardized approach to management consulting

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