Developing Leaders at Ups

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Developing Leaders at UPS Yvonne Smith BUS660 Dr. Ray Powers July 22, 2013 Developing Leaders at UPS Major Skills of a Successful Leader The major skills Jovita Carranza has demonstrated in her career at UPS that have made her a successful leader are a strong work ethic and a commitment to UPS. As a result of this, Ms. Carranza did not hesitate to take advantage of UPS rewarding her with opportunities. Ms. Carranza attributes much of her success to her eagerness to take on new challenges. She accepted all opportunities that were presented to her because she felt that she could learn something and each opportunity would be a platform for future endeavors. She feels that teamwork, interaction, and staff development is one of the achievements of which she is proudest. She also associated herself with capable, skilled employees who were loyal and committed to results with UPS. After nearly 30 years with UPS. She was determined, driven, and innovative (Hughes, Ginnett, Gordon, 2012). Her Experience Affected her Ability as a Leader Ms. Carranza’s experience and leadership in business have earned her the distinction of being named Hispanic Business Magazine’s Woman of the Year. She feels that because she was committed and hard working with a positive outlook, this guided her personal and professional life because her principles mirrored those of the company (Hughes, Ginnett, Gordon, 2012). Characteristics of Successful Leaders Ms. Carranza is successful because she is determined, driven, and determined. She also sat back, listened, and observed. She feels that a leader can learn by listening and not talking. She also feels that intelligent people learn through experience because through wisdom, leaders learn by observing mistakes made by other people (Hughes, Ginnett, Gordon, 2012). Reference Hughes, R, Ginnett, R,

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