Differences In Competencies Of ADN Vs. BSN

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| 1 | The Differences in Competencies between ADN vs. BSN Mary P. Tharakan Grand Canyon University: NRS- 430V January 13, 2013 Mary, your paper is very informative. A few areas for improvement are noted in the paper. The vigorous, standardized education gives the knowledge, values and skills needed for a layperson to become a competent nursing professional (Lindeman, 2000). The challenging nature of today’s healthcare system has led many nursing leaders to believe the necessity for all the nurses to have a baccalaureate degree which will help them to cope with the increased use of technologies at work, as well as the societal changes and shift from acute to community based settings (Speziale & Jacobson, 2005). In United…show more content…
ADN programs are usually two year community college programs, which are more focused on learning the practical elements of nursing appropriate to provide direct care to patients and families during sickness and health restoration, mostly in acute care settings. Their knowledge is usually restricted to patient care in the hospitals and community health clinics (Moore, 2009). On the other hand, the baccalaureate-nursing program is a four-year program taught at universities that covers all the topics taught in associates and diploma nursing degrees. These students are required to take additional classes in social sciences and humanities and in nursing classes, they are taught about the importance of critical thinking and judgment, community and public health nursing, great communication as well as nursing leadership and management. Their training is related to evidence based research practice. They focus on health promotion to help prevent disease and illness. This knowledge enhances the student’s professional development, such as being case managers, quality assurance nurses, or unit directors. The education also allows the graduate to have a better understanding of the many socioeconomic issues and their effect on patients and healthcare (Johnston,…show more content…
I was assigned four patients in my medical telemetry unit. Out of the four patients, three patients were on continuous Tele monitoring. I noticed one of my patient's heart rate is shooting up to above 110 from 80 in a two-hour period. The patient was a young teenager admitted with motor vehicle accident and no known cardiac issues. My first thought was that the patient might be in severe pain even though he rated the pain as 5/10 on the pain scale of 1-10. Upon standing order from the physician, I gave pain control medications and waited for the hear rate to slow down. Shortly after giving the medication, the patient's heart rate increased above 150's and he started to complain of his heart pounding fast. He ended up with a Rapid Response Code. Then only I understood that patient is running an event of SVT. Even though we were successful in reviving the patient, he had to be transferred to ICU for a day. This incident always reminds me that if I was trained to think critically and quickly on my feet as a BSN is trained, I could have avoided the Rapid Response Code event. Thus, I believe earning BSN would help me to think critically if such situation shall arise. As one can see, there are several differences in competencies for ADN and BSN nurse. The skills and knowledge of a BSN degree holder is far wider than that of an ADN. It allows BSN nurses to have increased

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