Discrimination In Canada

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One of the biggest issues in Canada regarding racial discrimination is the difficulty for minorities to receive Recognition of prior learning (educational and professional); “People who are trained in Western scientific or knowledge systems in the South are not given the same recognition as if they were trained in the North. People who are trained within non-western educational world views or scientific traditions experience great difficulties in gaining recognition for their training and skills.” For an example, Emily Espinosa, a Pilipino woman with a university degree in science and commerce who came to Canada with her family in 1988 has still been unsuccessful in finding a job that matches her expertise. Since landing in Canada, she became certified as a Lab technician in 1990, and has been working in a doctor’s office for $10 an hour, while still searching for a job. She thinks the main reasons she is not getting hired is because of her race, gender, and age (54).…show more content…
Also, “Visible minority families were three times more likely to live in poverty, with poverty rates of 18.7 per cent, compared to 6 per cent for white families.” http://www.ohrc.on.ca/sites/default/files/attachments/Policy_and_guidelines_on_racism_and_racial_discrimination.pdf http://publications.gc.ca/collections/Collection/CH34-7-2005E.pdf You may also want to look up institutional racism as well as systemic racism for more detailed finds. Good luck -------------------------------------------- [ 1 ].
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