Discuss The Pros And Cons Of Western Imperialism

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1. Even though imperialism existed to some extent before the industrial revolution, it gave industrialized countries many reasons to peruse it. Vast raw materials are needed to properly maintain a strong industrial economy. Many believe the industrial revolution began in Great Britain, which was very powerful but small in terms of land, population, and available resources. This gives them an incentive to colonize areas where there are large amounts of raw material instead of just paying for the materials. After colonization, they now have the ability to take these materials back to the homeland to produce their product. Through imperialism, they cut out the middle man. Large consumer markets are also needed. Imperialism allowed industrialized countries to spread their influence to the weaker countries they conquered. Through this spread of ideals, industrialized countries were able to create markets for the products they manufactured, it also allowed them to produce specific products to sell with in these markets. For example say Great Britain conquered a country and converted them to Christianity. There is…show more content…
Pros of Western Imperialism are Most of the profits went back to industrialized nations. It allowed them to spread Christianity, and allowed new products like coffee from South America. The artistic view as well comes into play as many of the arts influenced western sculptors and painters. Modern banking systems were a stem from imperialism. Stabilized traditional countries by uniting rival people. Communication was a result along with new schools and hospitals. The cons of western imperialism were the World Wars were caused by imperialistic ideas. Competition raged the tension between nations. Heavy taxes on the smaller countries disrupted local economies. Famines started to happen because of mass crop exportation. And just the overall resentment smaller, more traditional countries had because western ideas were being forced upon

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