Discuss the Role of Endogenous Pacemakers in the Control of One or More Biological Rhythms.

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Discuss the role of endogenous pacemakers in the control of one or more biological rhythms. Endogenous pacemakers are internal biological clocks that manage our rhythms. In humans, the main biological clock is in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) which is located in the hypothalamus. This controls circadian rhythms. Before the 1920’s, it was assumed that the circadian sleep wake cycle was controlled by external factors, however post 1920’s, it was suggested that biological rhythms are controlled by an internal clock (endogenous pacemaker). Richter (1922) looked at ground squirrels and their hibernation cycles, and he kept them in conditions where a constant temperature was maintained and observed them. He found that the ground squirrels continued to hibernate, and these findings suggested that an internal biological clock must be responsible for the cycle of hibernation. This research challenged the view that biological rhythms are controlled by properties of the world, and it led to more research being done. After proving the existence of an endogenous pacemaker, research was done into its location. In 1965, Richter studied rats who underwent experimental neurosurgery which involved bi lateral excision of the hypothalamus. He found that he had destroyed the sleep wake cycle, as the rats experience random bursts of sleep and wakefulness. Richter concluded that the biological pacemaker is in the hypothalamus. After this breakthrough, there was a race between research teams to try and pinpoint where exactly the biological clock was in the hypothalamus. In 1972, Stephan and Zucker and Moore and Eichler - two independent research teams – both systematically ablated different regions of the hypothalamus, finding that removal of the suprachiasmatic nucleus led to the destruction of the sleep wake cycle. Both teams concluded that the internal clock is located in the
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