Discuss The Ways In Which The Labelling Process May Lead To Educational Under-Achievement

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Outline some of the ways in which the labelling process may lead to educational under-achievement for some pupils. Labelling is a body of sociological theory which examines how the identity and behaviour of individuals is shaped by their categories by significant social others. Self-fulfilling prophecy. Self-fulfilling prophecy is when a teacher labels pupil on the basis of this label means they make predictions about them. Then, it means the teacher treats the pupil accordingly acting as if the predications are already true. The pupils internalise the teacher’s expectations of their self-concept so that they actually become the kind of pupil that the teacher believed them to be when labelling. If the teacher believes that a pupil will fail, they more than likely will fail because they have been labelled to be a ‘failure’. Although, this is not always the case, some people will also be labelled like a failure but they will try and prove the teachers wrong and will try their hardest to pass…show more content…
This doesn’t always mean that this pupil is the smartest and cleverest out of everyone in the class it just mean that they are perceived as a ‘ideal pupil’ because of their behaviour, attitudes towards their work and others, uniform, behaviour towards the teacher and how neat their work/books are etc. If a pupil has a messy book, messy uniform and talks to the people around them whilst in the classroom, the teacher will more than likely not view this pupil as an ‘ideal pupil’ but just because they have a messy uniform and messy writing, it doesn’t always mean that they are not clever. Also, if a pupil’s behaviour is not up to the teacher’s expectations it could quite often mean that they will be sent outside of the classroom, when they are sent outside of the classroom, they are missing valuable information and learning time because they are spending time what they should be using to learn
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