District 9 Epilogue: A Short Story

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Revealed – District 9 Epilogue As I poured the last drop of fuel in its container, I felt a strange emotion evolving inside of me. It was a sense of fear that started to grow bigger and bigger, as I let my mind wonder about all the possibilities. I was scared; scared to tell Wikus the pathetic truth about me, scared that my selfishness would take over, and scared that I would let myself ruin Wikus’ life just to improve my own. I needed to remind myself, that three years ago on this exact day, I made a promise. A promise to my friend that I would travel back to Earth and change him back to what he was before. But what would happen if I used the cure to change myself back? My brain suddenly overflowed with memories from my human life. Flashbacks happened right before my eyes, and memories became videos that kept replaying in my head. Everything came to an abrupt stop, as my son’s voice triggered the pause button.…show more content…
“Are you going back to Earth now?” It’s been a year since I told him who and what I really am. “Yes I am Michael,” I replied, as my trembling voice of fear took shelter behind my deceitful smile. I guess the decision has been made. I said goodbye to Michael as I climbed into the overhauled ship. This is it. This is where my journey begins. I felt strange, stepping foot on Earth again. District 10 was exactly what I had expected it to be. I began my search for Wikus in this alien filled area. Even though I was surrounded by hundreds of aliens, I never felt so alone. I didn’t quite understand what I was feeling. It was like a foggy patch entered my mind, but the sight of Wikus blew it away. “Oh my God! You actually came back for me!” I could see the sign of hope in his eyes. We spent the next couple minutes catching up. He told me that MNU still existed, and they were still experiencing with the alien bodies. “They’re f***king crazy man!” I could hear the pain in his

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