Diversity Immersion Activity

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Diversity Immersion Activity When thinking about what I could do to take part in a Diversity Activity many things came to mind. But none of which I knew how to turn into real thing, until the last weekend I went home. I got invited to go volunteer at the local soup kitchen in Provo Utah threw the LDS Single Adults ward. My friends and I gathered on the Saturday night of the activity and set off to Provo. I had no idea what to expect for it was my first time volunteering at a soup kitchen. I can say it was an eye-opening experience that I will never forget. There were many things to help out with and positions to fill. Me and my friend Spencer volunteered to help in “The Pantry” area, were the family’s and persons who came into the soup kitchen,…show more content…
It was great to know that what we were doing was helping someone out. Someone we had never met until that day and possibly never see again. We didn’t know there stories but could tell by the sincerity in their voices and there smiles. They were truly thankful. There were a few that did talk to us and give detail to their past. Nothing to personal, but I would ask them for a little info, only to help understand. Many were there due to either extremely low income or losing a job, leaving them with little or no money to buy food; in some cases leaving them homeless. One lady’s story stuck out from the rest, I believe her name was Cindy. She told us that she was a mother of two; both of her kids were with her that evening. They were two of the cutest and sweetest kids out there. She said that she used to be married until the day came that she; coming home from work early found her recently ex-husband in bed with another women in their own house, while the kids were playing at the neighbors. She filed for divorce, and left with the kids. She shared that her income is only enough to pay for the rent and bills, leaving her with little for food and her kids. She’s been searching for a higher paying or a second job but has had no luck. She told us how they come to the kitchen often and to the pantry once a week to get much needed food. With all that had happened she was one of the nicest people to come to our counter. I have respect for her with all that’s happened she seemed truly
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