Divorce In America Essay

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Divorce in America People often dream of a fairy tale romance and get married to what they believe are their soul mate. However, these stories do not always have beautiful endings. The numbers of individuals opting for divorce has been steadily increasing over the past years. Sometimes people tried to save their marriage by using marriage counseling, but not always work. Perhaps most of the time the only solution to living happily is by getting divorce. There is not a specific reason of why people choose to divorce, but base on Psychologist studies there is a many reasons of why people choose to separate their life after sharing it together for many years. Some of the reasons of why people get divorce are: • Lack of Communication • Domestic Violence • Alcohol and Substance Abuse The breakdown of a family can have many repercussions on the individual members with the least involvement. The children involved in a divorce are often the most impacted victims of a divorce. Children with divorced parents are often left feeling neglected by the parent that has chosen to move out, unloved, and often times burdened with feelings of guilt. The poverty rates of single…show more content…
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