Dna Replication Essay

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DNA Replication Carol Rowe WGU Biochemistry GRT1 Margie Hayes May 26, 2014 DNA DNA is made up of a sugar, a phosphate, with either a purine or a pyrimidine base, also called nucleotide subunits. Adenine and guanine are purines. Thymine and cytosine are pyrimidines. As you will see in the diagram, adenine bonds only with thymine and guanine bonds only with cytosine, they are connected by hydrogen bonding. Replication Fork In the DNA double helix Topolisomerase relieves the tension. When Helicase breaks down the hydrogen bonds replication begins. Replication can take place in 2 directions because of the replication bubble. The enzyme Primase synthesizes the RNA primers. There has to be primers to start the synthesis at the 3’ end of the new strands. The RNA primers are later replaced with DNA. Leading & Lagging Strands DNA splits into 2 strands. The continuous strand (the leading strand), and the discontinuous strand (the lagging strand) that grows away from the replication fork. Death Cap Mushroom Transcription and Translation: mRNA is necessary to direct synthesis (transcription) of the polypeptides. In other words to copy the DNA. The information on DNA is coded into mRNA here. Information is rewritten and translated into a protein. The death cap mushroom toxicity can cause inhibition of RNA Polymerase II, the enzyme necessary for synthesis of mRNA. The body must be able to produce mRNA or else there will not be a template to make new protein. “Without mRNA essential protein synthesis and hence cell metabolism grind to a halt and the cell dies.” (Amanita phalloides, “ n.d.) DNA Polymerase are enzymes that catalyze the synthesis of new complimentary strands, occurring at each fork and move from 5’ to 3’. When DNA Polymerase moves along the strands, new DNA is placed. Primase (RNA Polymerase)

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