Does Oedipus Rex Portray an Accurate Interpretation of Fate?

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Does Oedipus Rex Portray an Accurate Interpretation of Fate? Is there such thing as a premeditated action? Do things happen because of cause and effect, or was it meant to be? This has always been a very popular question throughout history. Over the centuries, people have wondered if there is such a thing as divine intervention, a sacred power that determines the fate of an individual. In Oedipus Rex, we finally see the conclusion of the prophecy made at the beginning of the Oedipus Trilogy. As Oedipus tries to hunt down the man who killed Laius, the audience already knows that it was in fact himself who did it. The audience at the time still believed in prophecies, so they would have expected Oedipus to kill his father and marry his mother. Sophocles seems to even mock the believers a few times, by telling the audience how there is no point in struggling against what is meant to happen, In Oedipus Rex, we finally see the conclusion of the prophecy made at the beginning of the Oedipus Trilogy. As Oedipus tries to hunt down the man who killed Laius, the audience already knows that it was in fact himself who did it. The audience at the time still believed in prophecies, so they would have expected Oedipus to kill his father and marry his mother. Sophocles seems to even mock the believers a few times, by telling the audience how there is no point in struggling against what is meant to happen, In ancient Greece, the Greeks accepted Fate to be a reality that no one could control, and that determined the course of an individual’s life. Nowadays the idea of fate sounds ridiculous and has become something that belongs in a fantastical tale. However, the ancient Greeks were terrified by the very thought of an unstoppable force. Fate was the will of the gods, an inescapable truth that was revealed by the oracle at Delphi, and who only spoke to Apollo in bizarre tongues.

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