Domestic Violence and Its Effect on Young Children

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Domestic Violence and Its Effect on Young Children Research Proposal Donna Belvin Statement of the Problem: In our society today children are witnesses to domestic violence, the impact to their physical and emotional development is tremendously significant. From the perspective of an early childhood educator where children ages two to five years old demonstrate challenges in self - regulation, impulse control, anger, aggressiveness, the classroom environment needs to reflect a new approach in guiding children’s behavior which will ensure appropriate social-emotional, cognitive, and psychological development. The increase of the social issue domestic violence where statically three million children or more, is being witnessed by our most precious citizens our young children. The impact that witnessing domestic violence has on young children necessitates research on what and how domestic violence affects their social emotional, cognitive, psychological development. As researchers answering the questions of the effect of witnessing domestic violence on young children is paramount in helping those parents, caregivers, communities, and society assist in the development of the young child’s healthy social-emotional development. Young children spend on the average eight to nine hours each day, the average classroom environment for children two to five years old is in most ways an extension of about forty or more hours each week with caregivers and teachers who provide care outside of their home environments. During the transition from homes where they witness or have witnessed domestic violence to a classroom environment, young children who are two to five years old demonstrate an inability to develop social, emotional, psychological, and may exhibit behavioral problems ( Some of these young children act out aggressively at times

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