Dont Get Me Started On Red Tape Analysis

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Dont get me started on red tape Don’t get me started on red tape! When did the bureaucrats take over? And why has every organisation and large company turned into a collection of bureauracats. Our world has become a sea of bureaucracy and lack of common sense. The Banks, the local authority and even the mobile phone companies have all adopted the same bureaucratic stance and use the same tactics to bully us into submission on a daily basis. What is even more infuriating is that they take our money, use it, in ways which we do not agree with and then use more of our money to bully us into accepting their decisions, hiding behind faceless call centres which are staffed by unknowledgeable people who seem devoid of any sort of common sense of ability to make a decision and provide a buffer for the clowns who make mistake in these large institutions. And give us all a nervous breakdown in the process by the injustice of their actions. Something is seriously wrong here.…show more content…
Apart from the fact that they have sent the country and the world into an economic depression, they are still arrogantly taking large bonuses and are incredulous at why the rest of us complain. While I have witnessed firsthand the bullying tactics and red tape of these organisations. My bank makes a mistake and somehow don’t pay my direct debit for my council tax. This error I was blissfully unaware of. And I carry on about my normal life, thinking that my bank and its employees are doing what they are supposed do. The first inkling that I have is when I receive a threatening letter from my local authority, Brent telling me that I have missed my direct debit payment and that if I don’t pay within 7 days, the full years council tax I will be taken to court. However, the date I received the letter was 9 days after it was written and therefore two days past the deadline that they had set for me to

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