E. O Wilson Creation Analysis

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Creation By: E.O. Wilson The premise of the book is that it is a letter to a Southern Baptist pastor. Interlaced with the letter are pictures of nature, including rainforests, butterflies, bacteria, birds, fish, diagrams of insects, and maps to show biodiversity. Wilson is trying to appeal to the Southern Baptist pastor through scientific facts. The pictures and diagrams are to support Wilson’s argument that biodiversity is disappearing and to illustrate that we are the cause. Wilson draws on the similarities between himself and the pastor by highlighting that he himself had grown up in the Christian faith. He also highlights that they are both American and southerners. Wilson then goes on to explain their differences in worldviews. He describes the pastor as a, “…literalist interpreter of Christian Holy Scripture,” and himself as a secular humanist. Wilson’s main appeal for the book is to set aside these differences in order to save the Creation. He appeals to pastor by saying he needs his help. The main idea for the book/letter is that human activities are having a destructive effect on the planet. The plant…show more content…
If someone were to read this book and was not interested in this, then they would feel like it is a waste of their time, however, if one were to read it with that purpose in mind, they would really enjoy the book and what it has to offer to anybody that wants to read it. Five questions that I had that the book did not answer were: Why did Wilson feel the need to write such a complex letter to only the pastor of a Baptist Church? What was the reason that Wilson picked the topics that he did? Why does Wilson feel that it is so important for religion and science to combine? Why did Wilson decide to take the time to elaborate so much on each topic? What was the outcome from Wilson writing this

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