Edgar Allen Poe; Poetry Comparison

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Edgar Allen Poe demonstrates in his written works of “Lenore”, “Annabel Lee”, and “To Helen” an element that seemingly attempts to give the reader exceptional emotional sadness. Poe does this by telling the poem in a point of view where a man tells the story of the death or remembrance of a young love or woman. He also puts a sense of gloom in each of his poems. This allows for the reader to create a mental image if the setting, without him having to directly point it out. As well, the gloominess of his poetry could also be due to his longing effect of sadness that he attempts to express. These three poems have a distinct connection to each other. All of which share a resemblance, because all of them express love to the other in one way or another; as it is seemingly that these poems in their entirety have been commemorated to someone Poe himself once felt these feelings for. For example in the poem “To Helen”, the narrator portrays of Helen’s beauty. A simple poem, and seemingly short compared to the other two, it simply tells of the narrator’s views of the young lady he is admiring. Also unlike the other two, Poe uses positive words and rhythms to create an ending mental vision that illustrates Helen to be that of graceful beauty, with her placed in a window with a glowing lamp that signifies to him of the “Holy Land” or Heaven, for which he sees Helen to be the Angel of in representation. However, a poem such as “Lenore” is told in a much more saddening, although not completely depressing element. This poem exemplifies Poe’s more frequent theme of death combined with beauty is presented. Guy De Vere, however, is not completely saddened by the deathly occurrence; but he is rather outraged because he believes that everyone had “wished her dead” due to loving the wealth that she had carried but rather hating the pride that she carried along with it. The frequent

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