Edgar Allen Poe's Annabel Lee

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The poem “Annabel Lee” was interesting and well written. Throughout reading the poem the raw emotions felt by Edgar Allen Poe as he was creating this poem were clear. Even though Edgar Allen Poe’s feelings were clear there are many questions that remain in regard to the poem such as did he write the poem about his lost love, Virginia, did he write it about the loss of his mother, or did he write the poem as a way to pay off a debt he owed? This essay will be broken down into three parts. It will describe my initial reactions after reading the poem, my analysis of the poem, and my feelings after reading Harold Blooms analysis of the poem. My first impression that came to mind while reading “Annabel Lee” by Edgar Allen Poe was of a children’s fairy tale that contained a rhythm and a musical tone. Throughout the poem Poe seems to rhyme every word to the poem’s title “Annabel Lee”. Towards the end, I noticed the original tone darken a bit with phrases such as “the wind came out of the cloud chilling,” and “killing my Annabel Lee” with the progression of the poem. Poe’s starting fairy tale tone worked to show innocence, a true love, an inseparable couple in perfect harmony with each other soon turned sad and dark. He showed a love too perfect as a terrible cycle that ends by death from jealousy which eventually separates the two lovers forever. My analysis of the poem works to show how things always change in life. At the beginning of the poem Edgar Allen Poe gives his readers sort of a “fairy tale” mind set as he uses language which makes people feel happy. Some of that language includes, “Kingdom by the sea.” It is important to understand that Poe’s really wants people to be thinking happy and sweet thoughts. With the way in which Poe describes “Annabel Lee” it makes it easy to understand how the angels of heaven could be jealous of the couple and try to destroy
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