Effects Of Bullying In Houston

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Terrance MWF 10am- 10:50am SPRIGN 2014 19 February 2014 Paper 1 Terrance Villarreal 19 February 2014 Houston’s fear of School Safety and Bullying Think of Houston. Now think of its reputation amongst any city that comes to mind. The one thing that probably did not come to mind is its’ local issue with school safety and bullying. Proving to be rebellious with a hence of a self-identity crisis, the effects of this fad takes a toll on school systems in Houston everywhere. In the sunny state of Houston, there is a plethora of things to do to keep busy especially as adults. Restaurants, music and entertainment are every prominent things to do while here. On the downside, the youth who attend public schools…show more content…
A gang of foot ball players hazed a freshman varsity player resulting in injuries. Proving a point the head coaches put their foot down and had the tough athletes expelled. In an interview with a local news station, the coach tells the reporter, "time to act in the interests of protecting our student-athletes," (Olson, 2014) Coach sends his sincere apologies to the families and the victim himself. From inside the classroom to sports the youth of Houston appear to be undergoing the negative effects of bullying and a hope for more school safety monitors. It is to be hoped that now, the issue with bullying can be related to the increase of school safety. There has to be something done in account for the students who get hurt from other children who have anger issue and erupt sporadically. Raising eyebrows from various school board officials and parents, the concern to ensure safety in schools has forced teachers and principals to be the band-aid from any harm that may bruise its reputation. As much media as incidents over disputes in school get broadcasted, there is not enough attention on the ways these things are being put to a halt by the city’s government officials. Organizations, social media movements and strikes have elevated because of the concern t protect the futures of tomorrow. It’s easy to petition something seize but it’s harder to actually seize…show more content…
Getting involved with your children and loving them more unconditionally can dilute the madness that can be an offspring of childhood remorse. Growing up in a dynamic generation, setting a foundation where they know the one thing that will not change is self respect can also make a leader out children as well. In conclusion, Houston may be known for a plethora of things, but one things that does not bite come to mind is the issue with bullying being a school safety issue. With the social network famous fight “starring” Sharkeisha, Houston has made a name for itself to be the one to fight back. Even the Mayor Youth Council along with media campaigns have tried to console the issue as well. Push comes shove, making an example out of a bully (hence the Sharkeisha incident) will send a message to stop the violence. If there is a bully, there is a victim, that is always going to be a
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