Ell Assessment Research Paper

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ELL Assessments Many states across the United States have a large numbers of English Language Learners (ELL) attending their public schools. I believe all teachers are Language teachers; all students are Language students. As a teacher you can constantly introducing vocabulary and helping students develop the appropriate strategies for reading, and writing about the subject matter. The difference with Ell students is that they may have a very limited range of general English to build on. For example, in the state of Florida, its school districts is one of the largest populated of ELL students in the United States. One of the district challenges is measuring all ELL students who are attending all the different districts. One of the district’s goals is making sure all students’ needs are met according to the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB), which Florida’s school districts are well in compliance with. The Florida school district is recognized for some of its procedures, such as, identifying Ell students with Florida Department of…show more content…
These assessments help support their student’s academic achievement and language proficiency. The data taken from the standardized tests is used to help determine student’s percentile score. There are also informal assessments which are combined into two distinctive types of categories: structured and unstructured. Structured consists of helping students improve in writing skills by utilizing a journal from beginning to the end of the school year. Frank Smith, (2004), argues that teachers should model collaboration for their students by participating with them in writing skills for brainstorming, composing, and editing. This allows teachers to work with students to complete new writing skill tasks rather than one they already have agreed

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