End of Life Choices

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End of Life Choices Death is inevitable. Life begins at conception and ends at death. If it does not come through unnatural ways, it will be natural. To some people, it is a peaceful ending with dignity, to others, it if full of pain and anxiety and suffering. Even though death is unavoidable, it is a taboo to talk about it some societies. Either way, everybody has the right to a dignified death. The need for a dignified death leads to the necessity end of life choices. End of Life Choices “is an advance caring planning process that helps us, over the course of our lives, understand, reflect upon and discuss goals, values, and believes for end of life health care” (WAHA, 2012). The Law of End of Life Choices is applicable in the medical field especially to people with terminal illnesses. This paper focusses on the four legal ways of ending life: These methods are increasing pain medication, terminal sedation, withdrawal of curative treatment and Life-supports and voluntary dehydration (Park, 2014). The practices of terminal pain management, withholding, and withdrawal of potential life sustaining treatment, advance directives, and assisted dying are also covered within the four legal ways (Landman, 2012). 1. Increasing Pain Medication Patients with terminal illnesses whose death is imminent can have their death hastened by appropriately managing their pain. Apart from hastening their death, this practice reduces pain and suffering at the terminal stage of death (Landman, 2012). The lawful and universally acceptable method of pain management is increasing pain medication (Park, 2014). For terminal illness, the final stage involves administration of painkillers. An increase in the dosage of painkillers shortens the dying process. This process must be applied with clear objectives known to both the doctor and the patient. Caution must be taken if the patient
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