Essay On European Imperialism

767 Words4 Pages
In the late 1800's and early 1900's, European forces moved into Asia with their imperialistic views in mind. Europeans used imperialism to take advantage of land and colonies in Asia, and control their economies and government. Britain,Holland, Germany and Russia were all big parts in the European movement to Asia. Since Europe enforced imperialism, Asia would have to submit to trading with Europe, allow mining and railroad operations, accept the laws that Europe made and had to accept Christian missionaries. When the Dutch had started taking over Indonesia the only ones who really put up a fight were the warrior tribes on the island of Java. Even after the Dutch took complete control over Indonesia, the Indonesians proved to be a lot…show more content…
It was called the "jewel of their empire". Britain used its military victories and naval superiority to ensure uninterrupted routes to India as well. This all didn't come easy. There were wars, battles, and rebellion. One battle was set in Central Asia. This battle was called The Great Game. The Great Game originally started because Russia was expanding both east and south at an extremely fast rate and Britain wanted to stop them before they could become a threat to India. When the space between the Russian Empire and India had narrowed down to just over 1,000 miles, they both had become more interested in territory between them that contained countries such as Persia, Afghanistan, and Tibet. They started fighting in the area. Most Chinese citizens were displeased about this. Some became rebellious and in November of 1899 started a faction called the Boxer Rebellion. The Boxer Rebellion fought against foreign influence in religion, politics, and trade. They were ruthless, they killed thousands of Christians and they also attempted to storm the foreign embassies located in Beijing. Following a 55-day siege, the embassies were relieved by 20,000 Japanese, American, and European troops. After this the Chinese government signed the "Boxer Protocol" which called for the rebellion's leaders to be executed and the payment of financial repairs to the injured countries and this ended the Boxer

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