Essay On John Steinbeck's Of Mice And Men

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Of Mice and Men Essay Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck is one of the best novellas I have ever read. It is about two men named George and Lennie who traveled from job to job and ran away from trouble. Lennie was a disabled man who was always getting into trouble. Well, Lennie did something tragic at the end of the story and something tragic happened to him. Most people felt sorry for him. But, I felt sorry for Crooks. Crooks was the negro stable buck that was isolated from the other ranch workers. I felt bad for Crooks the most because he does not sleep in the bunkhouse like the rest of the men, he is handicapped, and he is not treated equally as a black man. Because Crooks was a black man, he did not sleep in the bunkhouse like the other men. Instead, he slept in the barn with the animals. “Crooks, the negro stable buck, had his bunk in the harness room, a little shed that leaned off the wall of the barn.” (Steinbeck 66) Men, like Candy and Slim or Lennie and George…show more content…
I feel bad for Crooks the most because he is an African American. Crooks is not treated equally as a black man. In the story’s time period, the blacks were still being racially discriminated. He really could not do a lot of things because he was black. “‘’Cause I’m black. They play cards in there, but I can’t play because I’m black. They say I stink. Well, I tell you, all of you stink to me.’” (Steinbeck 68) Steinbeck wanted to inform the readers how African Americans were seen back in the day, during the Great Depression. This has made me see the story differently. Lennie was not the character to feel sorry for in this novella. It was Crooks. Candy was not the character to feel bad for because his hand and his dog. It was Crooks because he has a crooked spine and he lost his equality. There were many people to feel sorry for in the novella, but Crooks was the first one that came to
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