Essay On Prescription Drug Abuse

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Prescription drug abuse is a growing problem that imposes economic burdens in health care. Prescription drug abuse occurs when an individual misuses drugs prescribed to him or her, or uses prescription drugs not prescribed to him or her to get high. The result of appropriately using prescription drugs can prove extremely valuable. Inappropriately using prescription drugs can be dangerous, addicting, and even deadly. Inappropriately using prescription is also illegal. One health care economic burden prescription drug abuse imposes, is a costly public health problem. The public health spends much money on drug prevention and treatment programs each year. Another health care economic burden prescription drug abuse imposes is creating excess medical expenses. Prescription abusers…show more content…
However, there are some solutions to prevent prescription drug abuse. One solution to prevent prescription drug abuse is some physicians electronically send a patient’s prescription to the patient’s preferred pharmacy. A physician electronically sending a patient’s prescription to a preferred pharmacy prevents the patient from altering and forging hand-written prescriptions. Another solution to prevent prescription drug abuse is an electronic data monitoring system. The electronic data monitoring system helps to detect and prevent prescription drug abuse by monitoring patient’s prescriptions. For example, some patients will doctor shop, which involves a patient seeing different doctors to obtain prescriptions. A third solution to prevent prescription drug abuse is the FDA enforces laws that govern prescription drug sales. For example, the laws prevent illegal sales and distribution of pharmaceutical drugs over the
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