Essay On Vietnam War

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The Vietnam War Heather Cameron Axia College of the University of Phoenix The Vietnam War Every good American, before the war in Vietnam, held their political leaders and Congressmen in high regard. It was during the 1960's that this viewpoint began to change as the American death toll began to rise. One major viewpoint, eerily similar to today, was that though the intentions of entering into the conflict were good, the fact that it seemed to be a losing battle and the costs seemed to be too high; it was time to pull out of Vietnam. The other side of that coin was that there was a purpose for going into Vietnam and we should not leave until the job was done (Schulzinger, 1999). It had not been since the early 1940's that the…show more content…
President Nixon's Watergate scandal only seemed to fortify this distrust. Congress, in an effort to prevent another conflict like Vietnam in the future, passed the War Powers Act. This stated that Congress had to be informed that troops would be into possible combat situations, and had to take action of those troops within 60 days (Schulzinger, 1999). It would seem as though the Vietnam War and all of the battles our nation had to endure at this fragile moment in history would help define our nation. The United States was torn in many factions at that time period, Civil Rights Movement being a major one. We learned that we can rise up and be heard as a people to our leaders, that even one person can make a difference. We became more aware of the secrets our government had been keeping, and their ability to do so, and by the end of the Vietnam War made attempts to make sure this would not happen again. References Barringer, Mark. (2009). The Anti-War Movement in the United States. Retrieved September 5, 2009, from Schulzinger, Robert D. (1999). A Time for War: The United States and Vietnam, 1941-1975. Oxford University Press US,
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