Essay over Elie Wiesel's Night

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Breeden 1 Rebekah Breeden Professor Ehrhardt HIST 1623-099 11 May 2012 Night Essay Elie Wiesel portrays the degradation of Jewish humanity and culture by describing his experiences during the Holocaust in World War II. Wiesel describes how the SS dehumanized the Jews through cruel treatment for various reasons. From the experiences described by Wiesel, the humanity of he himself and other inmates diminished as they looked out for themselves and not for family. Wiesel’s account shows that the human’s capacity for cruelty and strength is unparalleled. His account also shows that the reason we must remember the Holocaust is so that the mass genocide will not be forgotten, lest we commit the crime of injustice by forgetting who died. In Night, Elie Wiesel depicts the SS’s cruel treatment of Jews by various means. First, Wiesel describes how they were forced into ghettoes, and slowly transferred to concentration camps. He tells of how they were told to leave all of their possessions, pieces of their culture, behind, and were then put into cattle cars for transportation. Once at Auschwitz-Birkenau, after being forced to get a haircut and redressing in prison garb, Wiesel states, “In a few seconds, we had ceased to be men” (37). Wiesel goes into explicit detail regarding the beatings he and his father received, and that eventually he became desensitized to the pain; thus, the SS dehumanized them by taking away their physical strength and ability to feel. Throughout his book, Wiesel states that they sometimes Breeden 2 received little to no food and he goes onto to describe how the starvation led men to kill each other over scraps of food, and to get themselves killed all for trying to get a bowl of soup. One of the most important ways Wiesel describes that the SS dehumanized them was forcing them to have tattoos, a number. Wiesel

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