Essay Police Job Interview

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Ted Jones was called down to the Brunswick Georgia Police Department to be interviewed about a breaking and entering that took place at the Big Daddy liquor store at 123 Glynn Hwy, Brunswick, GA on October 22, 2008 at approximately 0300 hrs. Hi, Mr. Jones I am Officer Armstrong, I want to ask you a few questions about the break in the other night at Big Daddy’s Liquor store two doors down from your home. Could you tell me what happened? Mr. Jones stated the following;” I was at home with my common law wife Pam Smith. We drank a couple bottles of Boones Farm wine and we went to bed about 0245 hrs. I heard the glass brake at the Big Daddy liquor store so I got up and went out in front of my place to see what happened I looked at the…show more content…
You think I did it because of these cuts on my hands. They are from a window I replaced in a friend’s house.” Mr. Jones what is your friend’s name? I know his first name is Bill and he lives on 1st St. in Brunswick. What is Bill’s last name? I can’t remember. Pam came out after she heard the police cars pulling up. She didn’t break in either. I talked to Officer Thomas and told him all this. I don’t know who put the bag with all the booze behind my garage. “I swear to God I didn’t take it”. Can I ask you a question Officer Armstrong? If a three time convicted guy like me did break in and take that booze what um would happen to him? It would be a serious matter for a person with three prior convections under the three strike law in the State of Georgia. I would think that person would get some serious prison time. Mr. Jones what do you think should happen to a person that did this? Well he ah or she ah should have to pay for the glass door and pay for the booze they took and go to AA meeting to ah dry out. Prison would cost the taxpayers to much. Mr. Jones can anyone vouch for you going to bed at about 0245 hrs? “Yes my mother can ah, I ah called her before bed and ah Pam was at the house

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