Eth316 Week 3 Career Plan Work Cultur

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Career Plan Building Activity: Work Culture Preferences BCOM275 – Business Communications and Critical Thinking October 22, 2013 Aaron Francesconi The workplace culture is important to one’s professional successes. Companies similar in cultural preferences are what many individuals pursue when seeking gainful employment. Employees are more productive when they are working within a company best suited for that individual. The workplace culture preferences reflect the ideal type of culture I am comfortable. Those preferences are High Powered, Well Resourced, and Teamwork Centered. The results of my Work Culture Preferences reflect my preference to work in high powered positions, (My Career Plan, 2013). High Powered positions are demanding positions that permit the opportunity for learning new skills through working in different positions. Rapid promotions with a potential for a higher salary based on the knowledge obtained through the different positions held. I thrive on the challenge of demanding positions that permit me to continue to learn and grow within a business. Part of the culture of the company would provide a safe place and structured so that the employees are comfortable within the environment. It would be essential for the company culture to provide valuable resources to perform my duties at the highest standards possible. To complete tasks whether individual or as a team, it is important for employees to have the correct tools to be successful within the proper amount of time. Teamwork centered is an outstanding way to build a network with other people to share information with other employees, customers, or suppliers. I enjoy communicating with various people and

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