Ethical and Economic Issues of a Change in Business Strategy

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Introduction The current economic environment is very influential on business planning and strategy. Due to economic shifts in the United States, a good strategy for business and services is to keep prices low without compromising quality. The same is true for the tax accounting and the consulting industry. A reduction of prices can be done through careful restructuring of the business to accommodate the slowing economic conditions. By expanding into the market of low cost tax accounting services this firm will be able to remain competitive and profitable. To successfully complete this goal, the company will hire non-Certified Public Accountant (CPA) tax consultants. Non-CPA tax consultants require less compensation than their CPA counterparts, thus aiding in the goal to reduce costs. By hiring non-CPAs, this firm will be adopting an ethical responsibility to clients, the public, and the non-CPA employees. The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) has published guidance on various ethical issues that may possibly arise from the shift in business strategy in this firm. The following paragraphs will explain this firm’s plan for ethical and economic success. Economics and Pricing Economic issues tend to dictate many aspects of business, including the pricing of services and products. Land values, inflation, access to healthcare, the cost of living, and unemployment are examples of key issues that indirectly affect economy as a whole. Inflation and cost of living change the way consumers spend their money. They spend more time evaluating potential purchases, weighing benefits and drawbacks carefully. In times of recession, consumers seek quality and price to satisfy their needs ("Consumer Buying Behaviour In The Recession: Global Online Survey", 2012). Ethical Issues of Hiring Non-CPAs Ethical issues may occur in almost any

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