Ethics Awareness Inventory Analysis

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I took the ethics awareness inventory to strengthen my understanding of my own belief system. Some of the questions were very easy to answer but other questions were not as straight forward. I found a couple questions where I really had trouble finding only one best or worst answer. At the end of answering the questions the system gives you a score. Here are my scores: C O R E ROW TOTALS MOST 10 8 5 1 =24 LEAST 4 2 5 13 =24 COMBINED SCORE 6 6 0 -12 =0 After completing the ethics awareness inventory assessment I was surprised with the result and did not expect to come out the way it did. I understand that there was no right or wrong answers, but some of the questions made me stop and just reflect on the way I was dealing with certain situations and think hard about my ethical beliefs. According to the Ethic awareness inventory test my score summary evaluates my ethical profile as closely aligned with character. The Ethical inventory also showed that my ethical profile least closely aligned with equity. It is very important for an individual to understand their own personal ethical prospective, as for me personally after the assessment I knew exactly where I stand ethically. In some of the areas of the assessment inventory of my ethical belief was accurate. I believe this is partly because of the way I was brought up and the society I live in. So what does the word ethical mean? To me, it is to take into account every aspect involved in any given situation, peoples' feelings, thoughts and well-being, both now and in the future, and act as best one can to achieve the most satisfactory outcome for all concerned. From my viewpoint, acting in an ethical manner comes from each and every individual, each having learned from the environment in which they have grown and developed. The awareness of the conditions which define our ethical prospective and that of

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