Ethics Reflection Paper

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Ethics Reflection Paper Name Strategic Planning & Implementation/581 Date Instructor’s Name Ethics Reflection Paper Ethics are the principles, values, and beliefs that provide a basic framework that businesses may choose to follow to set standards for what is right and wrong behavior in the workplace (Pearce & Robinson, 2011). Ethics is the means of deciding a course of action. According to Pearce and Robinson (2011), “ethical standards reflect not a universally accepted code, but rather the end product of a process of defining and clarifying the nature and content of human interaction.” Corporate social responsibility (CSR) embraces a company’s ethical policies to encourage employees to reach out to the community, including stakeholders with a positive impact to protect the company’s assets as well as promote a healthy secure work environment. Personal ethical standards help contribute to the decision and behavior of an organization to develop a strategic plan. The purpose of this paper is to explain the role of ethics and social responsibility in developing a strategic plan while considering stakeholder needs and explain how my ethical perspective has evolved throughout the masters program at University of Phoenix. A company’s Code of Conduct is written with values and standards set forth by the company with expectations for employees to be ethically responsible for reflecting the company’s views in proper business behavior (Pearce & Robinson, 2011). Developing a strategic plan should recognize those involved: stockholders, employees, the community and also the stakeholders. Promoting social values in the workplace and maintaining those values brings success in developing strategic plans. Ethical standards help develop the company’s mission statement and vision statement for a baseline for goal-setting for employees. Without these

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