Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic Cells

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Describe the structure and function of each of the eukaryotic organelles. ”A eukaryotic cell is sectioned by internal membranes into different functioning categories called organelles. For example, the nucleus houses DNA, the genetic component that controls the cells activities. (Boundless. “Introduction” Boundless Biology). The Cytoplasm is the material between the cell membrane and the nucleus. It has a lot of responsibilities within the cell. It contains enzymes for breaking down waste and also gives the cell its shape. The Nucleus or the brain which it is sometimes called is covered by a double membrane. It helps to manage the activities like eating, reproduction and movement within the cell. The Ribosomes is small fine organelles made up of RNA & protein as well as produces protein which is needed for the cells functions like repairing damages. The Cytoskeleton a gelatin material. Which helps the cell keep it shape. It also controls muscle contractions and causes cell and organelle movement. The Cell Wall a rigid layer outside the cell membrane. It provides protection against stress, infection and keeps it from breaking. It also prevents water loss. A Cell Membrane holds a cell together and puts up a wall that protect the inside of the cell from the outside. It also handles the movement of materials that come into or that leaves out of the cell. The nucleolus a small non-membrane crowed area inside the nucleus. This is where protein is being put together. This is a major component in the nucleus and based on the entity it is found in the arrangement of the nucleolus changes. There are two types of ER. Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum and the other is the Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum. They are different in structure and functions. The Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum (RER) is covered ribosomes (resembling bumps) and flattened sacs (resembling stacks of folded papers)

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