Evidence Obtained in Criminal Cases

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Evidence and Justice 1)What factors determine the admissibility and relevancy of evidence? Evidence that can have tendency of the consequence to the determination, to be either more probable cause of the action or less probable cause. 7)What are the differences between presumptions and inferences? Inference is a deduction that can be drawn from evidence, and in some cases have more probable cause then others. Presumption is evidence that indirectly proves a fact. In Presumption a conclusion must be made while in an inference a conclusion may be drawn. 8)What is the function of judicial notice? Judicial notice refers to items that are commonly recognized as fact by court which is nonevidence facts that are introduced in jury trials as judicial instructions. Legislative Facts- Can be subdivided into three areas, legislative history of a relevant statute, interpretation of nonlegal facts used in a relevant legislative process, and information about the impact of extant law. Adjudicative Facts- include, but are not limited to, common definitions, pronunciation, idioms, slang, and body language. Political Facts & Matters of Law Why do officers have the right to temporarily detain private citizens? In your opinion, should the officers have this right? Use cases and court proceedings to support your opinion. Reasonable suspicion is less then probable cause so they are able to detain a private citizen to investigate the suspicion that an officer may have on that person. 4)To what extent does the right to privacy protect technological advances? In your opinion, to what extent should the right to privacy protect technological advances? They are not limited to electronic mail, cellular telephones, and GPS tracking system. Privacy is not written on the constitution but we just assume it because of the first and fifth amendment.

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