Evolve Case Study Assignment

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Evolve Case Study Assignment Guidelines PURPOSE This assignment provides students the opportunity to apply knowledge of the nursing process to clients presented in case study format. It also provides the student the opportunity to practice NCLEX style questions. The case studies are housed and maintained by Evolve, reflect content from the adult health nursing textbook, and are an integral part of student success. COURSE OUTCOMES This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes: CO#1. Provide effective professional nursing care for adult patients and their families in a variety of healthcare settings using the nursing process. CO#4. Apply critical thinking strategies to make good clinical decisions in the…show more content…
If you leave a case study before completing it, you can come back and finish it at a later time by clicking on the Resume button. You will see the page of questions where you left off before closing the case study. a. Keep in mind that you will not be allowed to backtrack to previous screens during completion of a case study. 3. Your score is not recorded in the grade book until the case study is completed and submitted. 4. Case studies are housed at http://evolve.elsevier.com/student a. If you have not enrolled, start at http://evolve.eslevier.com/enroll 5. Refer to the document "Student Self-Enrollment Case Studies Quick Start Guide 2011 2" for instructions on accessing the case studies. Grading Criteria 1. Grading of case studies is done automatically by the Evolve website. 2. Only your first answer to each question will contribute to your score on the case study. 3. Your instructor will have access to the online case studies and will transfer your score of S or U to the online Gradebook within your Chamberlain course. a. You must earn a 76% or better, on your first attempt, on the case study to be considered a satisfactory completion of the case study. 4. Case studies not completed by the due date will have Chamberlain’s late policy

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