Examples Of Discrimination In Supreme Court Cases

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Every year, each the Supreme Court hears between 7,000 and 8,000 cases. Out of those cases there are several different types of discrimination in the court. Theses cases include examples of racial discrimination, gender discrimination, as well as welfare discrimination. The first case is Frontiero vs. Richardson (1973) this case is a valid example of gender discrimination. In this particular case the female is being discriminated against. Sharron Frontiero is a lieutenant in the U.S. Air Force. When she filed for a dependent allowance for her husband, the dependent allowance was denied. The reason was, because according to Federal Law wives of military members are provided with the allowance that she applied for automatically, yet husbands of military members are not given the same allowance unless there wives income provides for more than a half the married couples income. According to Frontiero, not allowing her husband or any other husband to have dependency and by not allowing this they were discriminating against female military members which violated the Fifth Amendment’s process clause. Eventually, Frontiero won the case. The court found that it did violate the due process clause, which said that it was not similar treatment…show more content…
Virginia. (1996) this is a good example of gender discrimination. The gender being discriminated against in this case is female. Virginia Military Institute is an all male institute; The United States brought a suit against VMI saying that, “the school was unconstitutional and that it violated the Fourteenth Amendment’s equal protection clause.” Virginia then proposed Virginia Women's Institute for Leadership. VMI and VWIL both would teach the same thing but VMI would be a much more prestigious school. The big question was does VWIL satisfy the Fourteenth Amendment’s Equal Protection Clause. In this the court stated no, because VWIL could not give women the same benefits as the men got at

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