Examples Of Jefferson's Declaration Of Independence

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Independent The United States of America comprises of the thirteen states which were under the Great Britain colonial rule among other annexure from the West thereafter. For these thirteen colonies, it was a great struggle to obtain independence from the tyrannical rule of King George III. Through the American revolutionary war, the US gained the sovereignty it had long desired. The war was fought between 1775 and 1783 but the declaration of independence was done on July 4, 1776 (Jefferson, 7). This allowed the colonies to act independently of Great Britain after a long period of suffering. It was then followed by a period of war, civil disorder, and death in order to achieve the ends America sought to achieve. The question that needs to be answered is whether these means were justified by the end of achieving independence. This will be answered by discussing Jefferson’s declaration of independence and evaluating it against Machiavelli’s relationship between ends and means.…show more content…
According to him there is no escape from the weight of means and ends (Ramsay, 33). We often hear people while faced with certain difficult situations saying that the end does not justify the means but rarely have we ever thought of what that means. In reality, this means for example that one cannot result to stealing as a way of satisfying his/her needs as this would be considered immoral and punishable by law. Whatever the end is, one is not supposed to result to immoral behavior to achieve that
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