Examples Of Odysseus 'Journey In Homer's Odyssey'

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Jionne McMichael September 16, 2012 Classic Western Literature Odysseus’ Journey 1. Troy- where he goes to fight in the Trojan War. 2. Island of the Ciconos- island where he and his army take over. 3. Island of the Lotus Eaters- where he and his army go to take on water. 4. Island of the Cyclops- Odysseus comes to this Island and is trapped by the Cyclops but is able to escape. 5. Aeolia- his crew being curious and opening a bag of winds that were supposed to help him get home blows him and his army here. 6. Island of the Laestrygonians- Odysseus is now left with one ship on this island that is surrounded with cannibals. 7. Aeaea (Circe’s Island)- Circe captures Odysseus, and puts him under her spell and turns his men intro swine. 8. Hades- this is the Island of the dead where he must go alone to talk to the prophet Tiresias who is supposed to help him get home to Ithaca. 9. Island of the Sirens- The Sirens sing a beautiful song promising all these great…show more content…
He or she engage in mortal conflict and finally return home again, with or without the life-sustaining thing that motivated the quest-journey in the first place. This is known as a hero’s journey because the person in the end is known as a hero because he or she went through so much and found their way home. In the Odyssey, Odysseus leaves home to fight in the Trojan War, which is the life-sustaining thing that motivates this journey he goes on to return home. In the end all he gained were his stories and the curses that he has received from different conflicts in the cities he traveled too. He also gets a reward, which is reuniting with his wife Penelope and restoring order to Ithaca and resuming life in his rightful place as

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