Explain Expectations About Your Own Work Role as Expressed in Relevant Standards (E.G. Codes of Practice, National Occupational Standards

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In my setting all policies and procedures are kept in the main office and are available to view at all times. It is very important that I am familiar with these policies and follow them at all times. In my setting there is a safeguarding folder and it is my responsibility to read this file and keep up to date with any changes or amendments that may arise. This is important as I need to know what to do when I think there is a safeguarding issue with any child/children. I must follow the confidentiality policy and not discuss any information about children, their families and sensitive information about the setting matters to anyone unless there is an appropriate reason to do so. Following the health & safety policy I must record any accidents in the relevant accident book and fill an accident slip in to send home to notify the parent/carer of their child’s accident. Check the furniture, equipment and toys are safe for children to use before the children come into the setting and report any hazards/faulty equipment to the appropriate person as soon as possible. In regards to the EYFS I promote the development of all seven areas of the E.Y.F.S I encourage all children to interact and work co-operatively with others and engage in all activities. I also support the equality and inclusion and acceptance of all children within the setting. All members of staff should sign in and out in the book located in the office. As we have an outstanding healthy award we need to maintain the high standards of healthy eating making we provide nutritious meals, which cater for vegetarians as well. The children that are looked after have to be cared by adequate people who have the required ability and skills of a good carer. The carer has to be trained well to react properly to the needs of the children. She/he has to be of age eighteen or over and with a qualification in this
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