Explain How Hitler Established a Dictatorship In G

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Explain how Hitler established a dictatorship in Germany from 30th January 1933 to August 1934 On the 30th of January of 1933, Hitler became the Chancellor of Germany through the support of Hindenburg and Von Papen, two figures who had power but were lacking in popularity. With no one expecting him to succeed, he was severally underestimated and on the 24th of March 1933, the Enabling Act made Hitler a legal Dictator. Within the next year, opponents of Hitler were almost non-existent. By August 1934, Hitler had become the Supreme Leader (Fuhrer) of Germany. This essay will examine the main factors that enabled Hitler to create his empire and argue that all these factors accounted to the legality of his control over every aspect of Germany’s society, enabling Hitler to establish a dictatorship. The means that enabled him to do this were the manipulation of the legal system and the control of three branches of society: the media, the unions and the army. The manipulation of the legal system formed a foundation for Hitler to establish a dictatorship. After the previous Chancellor resigned within a month, it was obvious that the Weimar system of government was not working. Hindenburg needed a Chancellor who had realistic support in the Reichstag and Hitler was given the position. Hindenburg and his advisor von Papen thought they could control Hitler. By becoming Chancellor, they allowed Hitler’s opinions to be taken seriously. He was permitted to call for another election in March 1933. This gave him a chance to gain a Nazi majority in the Reichstag. His new position meant that he was exposed to new resources. His Nazi party campaign in March 1933 was very similar to previous elections. However he now had the resources of state media and control of the streets. He could also rely of power from the Reichstag as Chancellor. When the Reichstag building burn down on
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