Explain How The Physical, Technological And Human Resources Used In A School

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To: From: Akeem Whyte Physical, technological and human resources used with in a school Microsoft office software Microsoft office software allows well developed work to be completed to a good standard by pupils and staff. The software provides an important part of school life in terms of teaching lessons and producing work. The software allows the school pupils to gain necessary knowledge and skills for use in slater life as Microsoft office is the most profound and used software in the world Tables and chair For children to work on and to create a formal seating which is appropriate for the work they need to produce and to get them used to the environment of work and exams. Classroom Classes to create quiet working environments…show more content…
One of the ways of improving is having frequent meetings to ensure all staff is motivated with set targets and competitions: this will enable staff to work towards a gaol with the idea of achieving something for them self as well as the business. Managing staff like this will ensure that any upset members of staff are picked up or any members of staff who not in the right frame of mind for work will be addressed and help allowing the performance of the business to go up and stay up. Another method of management to improve the business is by training the management staff may go off to a third party site for training and bring back the knowledge to train the staff or they will send staff off for training. In school new methods of teaching, new syllabuses and technology is always being brought in and developed which means that the members of staff will have to be trained to teach and use new equipment, software and work. Developing a reward system for the staff can boost morale by manage the human resources this way the staff will be sure to work efficiently with the prospect of receiving an extra bonus or reward on top of their wage or salary this will allow for the business performance to be improved as more efficient working allows for less time and lower costs for the business. In a school this could be teachers producing good quality lessons where all members of the class learn to…show more content…
The staff specialising in the physical resource management are the care takers and cleaners who ensure that physical equipment is maintained to a standard for effective use throughout the school; care takers will fix and mend things that are broken with in the building and replace those resources which are beyond repair. This system of management of the physical resources allow the performance of the school to run effectively as the equipment to work and teach are maintained to a good standard and allow the school to function smoothly – teachers will be able to teach the lessons in a good environment with functioning equipment allow the pupils to learn effectively and gain the best possible results they can. Another Physical Resource is the chairs. These will help improve the overall performance of the school because this will allow students to work to the best of their abilities as it will bring some comfort to allowing them to concentrate and for them when they are learning in the classroom environment. Physical Resources such as classrooms are important in improving the overall performance because the tables allow the students to learn about the subject that they are taking within certain years of the school. The effective management of this will allow the kids to be in a nice environment which will make them want to come to school and want to learn Also the classrooms are important because this
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