Explain Shakespears Development of Richmond

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Essay Explain how the theme of deception is developed in the first four acts of Richard III. The play King Richard III is the final play in the cycle of eight plays Shakespeare wrote dramatizing English history from 1398 to 1485. This play is Shakespeare’s version of the struggle for the crown during that time period. In the play, Shakespeare conveys a powerful theme, which has been portrayed through the character of Richard, called deception. Times throughout the play in which deception has been portrayed is through the acts of Richard manipulating other people to do his ‘dirty work’, through the uses of Richards dramatic irony, and through the realization of the truth of Buckingham and Hastings. Firstly, the theme of deception is developed through the manipulation of others around him. Richard continuously, throughout the entire play, deceives and manipulates other people around him to do all of his ‘dirty work’. Richard manipulates others because he is attempting to gain the throne of England; however in order to do so, he must kill him brother who is next in line and the king himself. This is where manipulation comes into the equation. He manipulates others to help with his actions because if he is caught he can just pass on the blame to them and continue to follow his plan to gain the throne. An example of his manipulation is when Richard manipulates Lady Anne into marriage after telling her that he had just killed her husband. The ‘wooing’ of Lady Anne is important as it links back to the fact that it is apart of his ‘big plan’. Secondly, Shakespeare creates the theme of deception through the uses of Richard’s dramatic irony. This is one of the most obvious ways in which Shakespeare portrays the theme of deception. A huge example of this is when Richard is trying to win over the people in the crowd he appears to them with two priests next to him.
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